
Contract Preparation

Drafting of effective contracts requires attorneys to master most aspects of civil law, including specialized areas such as operating agreements contemplated by the Limited Liability Company Act, prenuptial and property settlement agreements, real estate sales contracts, complex leases, natural gas transportation agreements, and employment contracts. Firm attorneys also draft E-commerce and Internet related contracts such as web hosting agreements, Internet advertising agreements, co-branding agreements, linking agreements, and intellectual property licensing agreements. With its combination of attorneys concentrating in contract law and other attorneys concentrating in most substantive fields of civil law, Sorling Northrup has the experience and expertise to timely advise clients and craft high quality contracts.

The firm believes that a contract should efficiently memorialize an agreement, whether a one-time transaction or ongoing service contract. Any party should be able to understand and interpret the transaction or working relationship established. Firm attorneys use straightforward, plain language unless a term of art or traditional phrase expedites or clarifies a matter. Sorling Northrup attorneys draft contracts taking into account potential income tax and sales-use tax consequences. Firm attorneys write contracts to protect clients from foreseeable disputes, provide means to resolve disputes which arise unavoidably and disfavor terms or conditions which exacerbate those disputes which do arise. Mandatory arbitration provisions and agreed allocation of known risks are often utilized.

Participation by firm attorneys in negotiations underlying a contract varies from acting as primary active negotiator to behind-the-scenes advisor. Regardless of the negotiating role specified by the client, the firm’s involvement assures that relevant issues are addressed and provisions made for reasonable contingencies. The contract is thereby enhanced by identifying, discussing, and properly addressing issues which might otherwise have been left untouched.


Sorling Northrup attorneys who practice in this area include: