
Elections, Political & Campaign Law

Sorling includes attorneys who represent clients on political and legislative matters. Included are attorneys who have served as general counsel to statewide political parties, legislative leaders, and as legislative counsel to an Illinois governor. These personnel are leaders in the field, having published articles in statewide public policy magazines and professional education handbooks.

The firm regularly represents individuals, political party organizations, electoral boards, and referendum coalitions with respect to all aspects of election operations, including ballot access, election day operations, and the contesting of election results. Sorling Northrup attorneys often appear before electoral boards, Illinois circuit courts, and the Illinois State Board of Elections to litigate ballot access and composition, vacancy appointment and election result issues.

Sorling Northrup attorneys advise clients with respect to state and federal regulations concerning the collection and reporting of political contributions. The firm advises candidates and candidate committees on the filing of ethical personal income and contribution reports with local authorities, the Illinois Secretary of State, Illinois State Board of Ethics, U.S. House of Representatives, and Federal Election Commission. The firm is experienced in advising statewide political party organizations on the establishment and maintenance of state and federal qualifying contribution accounts, and the complex federal reporting required.

Sorling Northrup also advises clients regarding Illinois government ethics reforms and the impact of recently enacted campaign contribution legislation. The firm prepares opinion letters and guidance advising its clients regarding registration and on-going compliance with new ethics legislation. Public Act 96-832 introduced significant campaign finance reforms to the Illinois election process, including limitations on individual, business, labor organization and political action committee campaign contributions. The firm’s years of experience in government relations, statutory drafting and analysis, representation of government agencies and representation of private clients before the Illinois General Assembly and state agencies make Sorling Northrup particularly qualified to offer guidance and insight to its clients on both ethics and campaign finance matters.

Parliamentary procedure services are also available to political entities. Sorling Northrup attorneys have served as parliamentary and legal counsel to county, statewide, and national political party conventions. Services have included credentials control, rules drafting, convention session management, related legal filings with courts and administrative agencies, and parliamentary rulings.


Sorling Northrup attorneys who practice in this area include: